Environmental Policy | Sustainability | Corning

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Our Policy

Our Policy

We are committed to protecting the environment through continuous improvement of our processes, products, and services.

We achieve this by:

  • Complying with and striving to exceed all applicable laws, regulations, and company standards
  • Maintaining Environmental Management Systems which include:
        - Assuring policy implementation
        - Establishing goals and targets
        - Conducting environmental audits and progress reviews
        - Communicating the policy
  • Promoting measures to reduce the amount or impact of:
        - Air emissions
        - Water usage
        - Wastewater discharge
        - Waste disposal
        - Energy usage
  • Implementing the reuse or recycling of waste materials
  • Promoting environmental awareness
  • Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly technologies and materials in our research, development, and engineering processes

In summary, we are committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner.

Commitment to the Environment

Corning’s Values are the foundation of our corporate strategy, and of every aspect of our business life. We are committed to Always Live Our Values because we believe that how we do things is as important as what we do. An important element of living our values is protecting the health and safety of all Corning associates, as well as the environment of all the communities in which we operate.

Protecting the environment is a central element of operating excellence. We want, and will accept, nothing less than world class performance in this area.

Our environmental program is strengthened by the implementation of a formal environmental management system. The environmental management system provides a solid structure for meeting environmental challenges. It is a tool that ensures regulatory compliance, improves environmental performance and increases productivity and competitive advantage.

Corning employees, managers, contractors and customers are working together around the world to ensure that we maintain our high standards in the areas of the environment — thereby ensuring a more successful work environment for everyone. Each of us has a personal stake in the environment in which we operate. We will continue to maintain and elevate our standards, and ensure that Corning is a company with which everyone is proud to be associated.

Wendell P. Weeks
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer