

At Corning, we believe that maintaining supply chain visibility is integral to preserving the integrity of our commitment to Supply Chain Social Responsibility. We leverage a suite of technology platforms that enable us to closely monitor our supply chain operations, capturing data and sharing supply chain information faster, more efficiently, and more accurately than ever before. Having 24/7 visibility of our supply chain allows us to quickly identify and proactively manage issues to ensure social responsibility throughout our global network.

Elementum Orchestration Platform™

One technology Corning utilizes for end to-end supply chain visibility is the Elementum Orchestration Platform™. Elementum is a revolutionary technology that give us the ability to connect across our entire supply chain ecosystem by collecting real-time intelligence on relevant supplier activity and events – right down to the local level.

Through the Elementum platform, supply chain professionals are able to analyze information such as shipping and delivery, material sourcing, and manufacturing across all corners of the world. Elementum monitors over 30 million data sources, from EDIs and ASNs, to news and social media, tracking specific terms such as conflict minerals, worker diversity, child labor, workers safety, emissions, and human rights. This provides us timely insight into the events and geopolitical issues that can influence our overall supply chain performance, including the social responsibility behaviors within our supply chain

We share access to this information across our entire company so that business leaders, including supply chain managers, throughout Corning can use this data to address both the short-term needs and the long-term strategic plans of our supply chain.

Managing Risk

Corning’s risk management process begins before companies even join our supply chain. We use our supply risk profile assessment tool to define potential risks before we select and add a supplier to our supply chain. 

Our risk managers tap into big data monitoring and machine-learning AI to make proactive assessments of supply chain risks across the globe at a moment’s notice, including social responsibility.

Supply chain social responsibility risks are monitored and evaluated against the following risk profiles:


  • Labor Practices and Human Rights
  • Environmental
  • Information and IP Security
  • Regulatory and Legal
  • Corruption and Bribery

    During the monitoring process, high-risk situations are tagged and delivered to risk managers in real time. This insight enables us to proactively manage potentially high-risk situations and quickly create contingency plans to minimize, or potentially avoid, the exposure.

    Policies & Statements

    Policies & Statements

    Supplier Code of Conduct

    Our supplier code of conduct sets the standard for how Corning and its supplier partners around the world work together to develop and deliver products and services responsibly.

    Conflict Minerals

    We strive to ensure that our supply chain fulfills our commitment to respect human rights through responsible sourcing practices. 

    Human Trafficking and Slavery

    Corning is committed to policies and procedures that promote human rights compliance in our operations and in our supply chain. 

    Human Rights Policy

    At Corning, we pledge to uphold the highest standards for fundamental human rights and view them as a key component of a socially responsible supply chain.


    Data Privacy Policy

    Protecting the privacy of personal and business data within our supplier network is a key priority at Corning.

    Information Security Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to minimize the risk of Corning confidential information being lost or stolen through interactions with suppliers, contractors, and consultants.

    Grievance Hotline

    Suppliers can submit any questions or report any violation or grievance to Corning's confidential and anonymous Code of Conduct Line 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

    (Country Code) +1-888-296-8173 or online at