Community Broadband Networks | Broadband Communication Systems | Corning

An Investment for the Future

An Investment for the Future

Community broadband can deliver immeasurable benefits, including a path to the digital future to ensure your community’s place in the innovation economy. And optical fiber – just like roads and waterways – is a key tool for economic development. An all-fiber network can improve public services, make communities more attractive to residents and businesses, and bolster competition and fiber adoption to help close the digital divide. When planning for your fiber optic network, don’t go it alone. Corning can help, with a robust ecosystem to help you in every aspect of your deployment, from project financing and planning to network design and management. 

What Should you Consider?

Take rate risk

Take rate risk

If you build it, will they come? Take rate considerations should factor into your planning and decision process, but perhaps the greatest risk of all is to be left behind because you’ve done nothing.

If you build it, will they come? Take rate considerations should factor into your planning and decision process, but perhaps the greatest risk of all is to be left behind because you’ve done nothing.

Regulatory environment

Regulatory environment

The demand for municipal broadband networks has never been stronger, but there are regulations dotting the landscape that can impact every stage of deployment. Actions at both the state and federal level are worthy of investigation. Learn more about the regulatory environment facing municipal deployments.

The demand for municipal broadband networks has never been stronger, but there are regulations dotting the landscape that can impact every stage of deployment. Actions at both the state and federal level are worthy of investigation.

Funding model

Funding model

Do you have a defined strategy in place to pay for your broadband infrastructure? There are options, including direct funding from the municipality, private investment, or a combination of both. Find out how other communities have financed their networks.

Do you have a defined strategy in place to pay for your broadband infrastructure? There are options, including direct funding from the municipality, private investment, or a combination of both. Find out how other communities have financed their networks.

Let’s Connect

We’d be happy to discuss the details of your broadband vision and can provide you with a cost analysis that compares the speed and cost of deployment for a full-splice, semi-precon, and full-precon deployment in your community.

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