Projects Save New York Plant Electricity Costs

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Projects Save Canton Plant $50K in Electricity Costs

Projects Save Canton Plant $50K

Two recent projects are saving more than $50,000 per year in electricity costs at Corning Incorporated’s Specialty Materials plant in Canton, New York. 

“Between the electrical savings created, and rebates, these two projects paid for themselves in a year. And of course, those savings repeat every year,” said Pete Chambers, site energy manager with Corning’s Global Energy Management (GEM) program.

Rebates from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for both projects added to more cost savings.

1)      Installing water pump controls

Water used for cooling purposes during manufacturing processes at Canton must first go through a heating process to remove debris. Canton previously used pumps to draw water through the heating process, and into the plant. One pump, according to Chambers, was running longer than needed.

“One used to run regardless of our need for cooling,” explained Chambers.

A project headed by GEM team member Mark Randall now controls the flow of water through the pumps based on the plant’s needs.

A rebate from NYSERDA aimed at projects saving significant amounts of energy, coupled with savings of $22,000 per year in electrical costs from running the pump, means the project pays for itself in less than one year. 

2)      Forming turntable motor upgrade

Canton GEM team member Matt Gardner found a way to cut down on compressed air usage at Canton.

“We needed a motor upgrade on our forming turntables,” explained Chambers. “Previous generation motors had to have compressed air cooling so they don’t overheat. Matt found motors that don’t require compressed air. They’re designed for the atmosphere and temperature they’re working in, so they don’t require cooling,”

Chambers added that seeking out such alternative motors is harder than it sounds, but the savings was worth the search. The upgrade increases the reliability of the equipment, and decreases the plant’s electric usage by approximately $31,000.

“These two projects are saving a significant amount per year in electric costs,” said Chambers. “Even though the rebates were one-time payments, those cost savings continue each year.”