Projects at NC Plant Save Enough Energy to Power >200 Homes | Global Energy Management | Corning

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Projects at NC Plant Save Enough Energy to Power >200 Homes

Projects at NC Plant Save to Power >200 Homes

Two projects at the Corning Life Sciences plant in Treyburn Corporate Park in Durham, North Carolina, are saving enough energy to power more than 200 homes per year.

“We were able to save a lot of energy and related costs, and optimize our process water flow and chilled water demand,” said Van Hursey, facilities coordinator and site energy manager, who led both projects.

The projects target the facility’s process cooling loop and water flow used in the manufacturing process and HVAC systems.

Corning’s Global Energy Management program provided more than 80 percent of the funds needed for the two projects. The projects resulted in a total energy savings of more than 2.6 million kilowatt-hours per year – equal to the energy used by more than 200 U.S. homes for a year, or the greenhouse gas emissions of more than 400 passenger vehicles driven for a year.

“We learned about these techniques from a fellow energy team at another Corning plant,” said Van. “We’re grateful for the level of collaboration GEM fosters, and for the tools and resources the program provides to help us conserve energy and water at the plant.”