Corning Joins Apple’s Clean Energy Fund in China | Global Energy Management | Corning

Corning Joins Apple’s Clean Energy Fund in China

Corning Joins Apple’s Clean Energy Fund in China

Corning Incorporated continues to invest in renewable energy opportunities by recently signing on to Apple’s China Clean Energy Fund.

Apple and 10 of its suppliers – including Corning – will jointly invest $300 million over the next four years into the China Clean Energy Fund. The fund will invest in and develop clean energy projects totaling more than 1 gigawatt of renewable energy in China, the equivalent of powering nearly 1 million homes.

Corning is an Apple supplier and has produced cover glass for the iPhone since it was introduced to the market in 2007.

Corning is also using renewable energy in the United States. In late 2015, Corning made a 25-year pact with Duke Energy to purchase the majority of the clean energy produced at one of the largest solar fields east of the Mississippi River, in Conetoe, North Carolina. That energy matches and offsets that used at Corning's Display Technologies plant in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.

Click here to read Apple's release on the China Clean Energy Fund.