Oneonta Plant Receives Energy Award at 50th Anniversary

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Global Energy Management

Oneonta Plant Receives Energy Award at 50th Anniversary

Oneonta Plant Receives Energy Award

The Corning Life Sciences (CLS) facility in Oneonta, New York, has a history of saving energy.

For example, in 1987, the plant team re-lamped the entire facility with more efficient fixtures, achieving the same light level with 40 percent less energy. In 1995, they installed a system that uses outside air to cool spaces instead of running compressors for mechanical cooling.

The Global Energy Management (GEM) team members at Oneonta were recognized for their past and present efforts with the ENERGY STAR® Challenge for Industry award at a ceremony in August 2017. 

To meet the voluntary challenge, manufacturing facilities are asked to improve energy efficiency by at least 10 percent in five years or less. The Global Energy Management (GEM) team at Oneonta exceeded the goal with a 14.3 percent improvement in just three years.

The event showcased not only the plant’s energy savings, but its overall 50-year history of manufacturing Corning products.

“Right here, 50 years ago, your plant began the great work that has defined this plant ever since,” said Lisa Ferrero, senior vice president & chief administrative officer, at the plant’s event. “From day one, when you were manufacturing glass ceramics, Oneonta has been helping Corning build relationships in the scientific community. Five decades later, the high level of work you do continues to make us a brand leader in laboratories around the world.”

Commenting on Oneonta’s significance to the business, CLS Vice President and General Manager Richard Eglen said, “Oneonta is of historical importance to LS as one of our main plants for decades. They have produced a wide range of products over the years that have really fueled our growth. These products are tied to our strategic directives, to our corporate objectives of growing the base business of laboratory consumables, and our goals to grow in vessels, surfaces and media.”

After remarks and the award presentation, government officials, utility partners, and other guests toured the plant to see how Life Sciences’ flasks, roller bottles, filter systems, and dishes are manufactured, explored a historical display and accompanying slideshow, and were treated to lunch with time for networking.

Project posters presented by the GEM team detailed their recent work, including replacing hydraulic mold machines with energy-efficient electric models, installing a high-pressure water system using less energy, making improvements to the compressed air system, heating production areas with machine waste heat, adding a high-efficiency hot water boiler, and upgrading warehouse siding.

“For being such a small group, our Oneonta site energy team has accomplished a lot. As you can see, they were proud to hang their new ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year banner on the front of the building,” said John Palladino, division energy manager, Corning Life Sciences, during his presentation.

Ben Williams, site energy manager at the Oneonta facility, said, “We didn’t set out to do these projects to be recognized with awards, but earning the Challenge for Industry recognition from ENERGY STAR is a huge honor, and I’m incredibly proud of what our team has accomplished.”