MIT Students Get First-Hand Experience in Corning

STEM Education

STEM Education

STEM Education

MIT Students Get First-Hand Experience in Corning

MIT Students Get First-Hand Experience in Corning

Corning Incorporated and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have a long-standing history of collaboration, and continue to work closely on a variety of programs and initiatives. 

Among those is an eight-week program where graduate and doctoral students from the MIT Chemical Engineering Practice School work alongside Corning scientists and engineers at Sullivan Park on key projects for the company. It’s a program Corning and MIT began in 2011.

This year, students focused on solving problems in early- and late-stage manufacturing at Sullivan Park, and at Corning’s Wilmington manufacturing plant.

"It's exciting for Corning to be involved with the MIT Practice School to help students hone their skills in an industrial setting," said David Morse, Corning executive vice president and Chief Technology Officer.  "I am proud to see Corning's project teams investing their time and energy in helping to develop the next generation of engineers, and I look forward to the possibility of them joining Corning S&T and MTE in the future."