Closed System Solutions | Bioprocess | Corning


Safe, Sterile, and Convenient

Safe, Sterile, and Convenient

Open liquid transfers increase the risk of adventitious contamination, but ordering components and assembling tubing sets in-house adds complexity and time to your process. Corning closed system solutions come sterile and ready to use, which eliminates the time and expense of sourcing and assembling your own closed systems while also decreasing the potential for adventitious contamination.


Our Closed Systems are Bioprocessing Ready

  • Nonpyrogenic
  • Animal-free or BSE/TSE compliant
  • Compliant with USP Class VI
  • Provided with a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of SAL 10-6


Dozens of Off-the-Shelf Solutions

Custom Closed System Configuration

Configure Your Own Solution

Corning offers more than 200 qualified components that we can configure to meet your exact specifications.

Provide us with your design or let our engineers recommend a custom configuration for your application. We can also customize rocker bags and other single use technology solutions.

Complete this form and one of our account representatives will contact you shortly. 


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