Sarah, Process Engineer | Women at Corning | Corning

“It’s important to welcome everyone to the table because all ideas matter. I want to make sure those with ideas have the opportunity to have their voices be heard.”

Sarah, Process Engineer

Sarah, Process Engineer

Meet Sarah. She’s rocking steel-toed boots and safety glasses at work.

As a process engineer, Sarah spends the majority of her day on a manufacturing floor, collaborating with her colleagues to streamline processes and ensure product lines are running efficiently.

“I was drawn to studying science because I loved answering the how and why questions,” says Sarah. “How do things out in the world work and why do they work that way?”

Sarah isn’t the only one in her family who is answering the how and why questions at Corning. Her father and two sisters also work for the company in the engineering field. Sarah says she is proud that Corning is part of her family and appreciates having family members to look up to as role models.

As a member of Corning’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, Sarah encourages fellow female engineers and engineering students to achieve their full potential. Some of the greatest advice she ever received came from her first boss who told her to not be afraid to pursue things she is interested in, and that with passion and hard work, she can achieve anything. Today, Sarah is passing along that wisdom to young women she interacts with out on the manufacturing floor.

“It’s important to welcome everyone to the table because all ideas matter,” says Sarah. “I want to make sure those with ideas have the opportunity to have their voices be heard.”

We’re proud of our female scientists, engineers, and working professionals like Sarah and know they are shaping a brighter, clearer future.

Sarah's Story

Next, Meet Laura

Laura, Materials Engineer


Materials Engineer

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