Science of Glass Stories | Science of Glass | The Glass Age | Corning

Science of Glass

Science of Glass

Science of Glass

How It Works

Science of Glass Stories

Science of Glass Stories

2018-2019 Glass Age Scholar

For Paul Porter, the 2018-2019 Glass Age Scholar, falling in love with glass happened by a chance encounter.

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Enabling the LCD Industry

As one of the world-leading suppliers of glass substrates for LCD and advanced displays, Corning plays a key role in the LCD industry - and has helped propel the technology forward since the 1980s.

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How It Works: 3D Sensing

The mobile phone of the future starts and ends with glass. Check out how 3D sensing, enabled by Corning Precision Glass Solutions, works.

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How It Works: Precision Forming

Corning's leadership in precision forming is the key to making some of the hottest innovations work

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Humankind's Most Important Material

Glass has been enabling life-changing innovations for centuries. Check out The Atlantic feature which details the history of glass, demonstrating how this versatile material has played a vital role in our world.

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2017-2018 Glass Age Scholar

First intrigued by glass through its use in architecture, the 2017-2018 Glass Age Scholar, Xin Li, will conduct glass science research in an effort to provide the missing link to understanding glass relaxation and solve age-old problems of fundamental glass science.

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Revolutionizing Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging

Since 1915, when Corning first introduced PYREX® glass labware products for drug discovery, we have equipped life sciences researchers with the tools, technologies, and innovations to develop new, more effective treatments for diseases all around the world. And now, we're entering the pharmaceutical glass packaging industry with Corning Valor™ Glass.

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Lighter, Tougher, More Optically Advantaged Vehicles

The windshield on any vehicle is a very important element. While it helps you to see clearly in order to navigate and drive, the technology that lies within the windshield – and any other window in your vehicle – is improving your ride in ways you might not have realized if equipped with Corning® Gorilla® Glass for Automotive.

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Researching in the Glass Age

Ever wonder what happens in Corning's research labs? Learn about Corning's R&D efforts and our committment to glass science research in the March/April 2017 edition of the MIT Tech Review.

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Driving in the Glass Age

For over forty years, Corning has been advancing clean-air technologies in cars and now, we’re helping enhance your driving experience with improved fuel efficiency and enhanced connectivity with Corning® Gorilla® Glass for Automotive. 

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How Glass Scientists Took on the Challenge of Harnessing Light

The information we sort through on our electronic devices each day seems to come out of nowhere. Just as we turn on a faucet and expect to get water, we assume the bandwidth is there to support our online communications demands.

But it’s the powerful, always-on capability of global optical fiber networks – enabled by more than two billion kilometers of thin glass strands– that ensure that we can post, chat, download, and transact with ease.

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The Secret of Tough Glass: Ion Exchange

How can today’s high-tech glass — found on smartphones, elevator walls, public kiosks, and more — be so tough that it withstands all the dropping, scratching, and splattering of everyday life? Part of the answer lies in the ion-exchange process.

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Glass Continues Its Role in the World of New Medicines

For centuries, glass has been an indispensable laboratory partner for chemists and research scientists. So important were glass vessels in lab experiments that in the years before mass production, chemists frequently did double-duty as glassblowers, creating their own labware for measuring, mixing, and storing chemicals.

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The Wonders of Glass

No material inspires more creativity. Scientists and artists alike have revered glass for the way it handles light and color, changes shape and take on new forms, while maintaining stability and strength. Artists, architects, engineers, and designers are turning to glass for its stunning characteristics.

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Glass: The Quintessential Nanotech Material

For thousands of years, artists have worked with glass because of how it forms, feels, and handles light, while craftsmen have used glass for practical applications because of its stability, impermeability, and transparency. In the last century, scientists have made extraordinary advances in the characterization and fabrication of glass, leading to innovative applications in diverse fields such as architecture, transportation, electronics, communications, and medicine.

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From Televisions to Tablets

The durability of your touch screen. The brilliant, high definition images on your television. The lightweight, thin form factor of your smartphone. The qualities of glass make these advantages possible. But not just any glass will do.

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Creating Optical Fiber

Nearly 2 billion people are instantaneously and simultaneously accessing the Internet because of strands of glass thinner than a human hair. This glass, referred to as optical fiber, is not only ultra-thin, but extremely flexible, pure, and rugged.

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Four Fiber Facts

Optical fiber is an ultra-thin, extremely flexible thread of glass that enables us to transmit information at high speeds across the room or across the world. Corning invented the first commercially viable low-loss optical fiber in 1970, and this glass technology has continued to improve in order to meet the growing bandwidth demands of today’s always-on world.

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One Material, Many Layers

Did you know that today’s devices have different layers of glass?

It’s true. In fact, each layer has a distinct glass composition that enables it to perform a specific role within smartphones, tablets, televisions, or other devices. Check out why each layer of glass matters for the overall functionality of your device.

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Glass: A Class of Its Own

From its chemical compounds to its superior strength, longevity, and transparency, discover how glass continues to reinvent itself and solve new problems.

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Oxygen, Meet Silicon — And Let the Glassmaking Begin

Oxides – the chemical compounds that make up glass – represent most fundamental of chemical pairings:  at least one oxygen atom with one other element.

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Remarkable Glass - the Stuff of Legends

Did flexible glass, so strong that a dent could be knocked out with a hammer, exist in first-century Rome? Probably not  —  but its stories do hold a small, intriguing place in ancient folklore.

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The Perfect Mix-Up

Stirring’s no simple matter when it comes to molten glass. It seems like such a simple thing: Throwing a bunch of ingredients together and stirring until everything’s well-mixed. But when it comes to making a highly technical, optical glass, the melting and stirring process is just as complex – and must be just as precise – as the glass formula itself.

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Glass Cousins

When is glass not quite glass? When it’s glass-ceramic.

Like two remarkably similar cousins who eventually go their separate ways, glass and glass-ceramics have distinctly different properties and attributes – but still bear a striking family resemblance.

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Touch and Feel the Advantages of Gorilla Glass

Two unexpected benefits of Corning® Gorilla® Glass could someday help improve your car’s sound system while making it easier for you to find controls on a smooth dashboard touchscreen without looking at it.

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2015-2016 Glass Age Scholar

Mengyi Wang is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Physics of Amorphous and Inorganic Solids Laboratory (PARISlab) at the University of California, Los Angeles – she is the 2015-2016 Glass Age Scholar. 

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2016-2017 Glass Age Scholar

When Henry Herbol looks at glass, he sees a world of possibilities.

“It’s such a versatile material,” he says. “Just by changing the composition or the way you process it, you get vastly different properties you never knew before. That’s what’s so exciting about it.”

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Glass Surfaces can be Tough on Microbes

Everyone loves the convenience and brilliant moving imagery of touchscreens – and they’re becoming more and more popular in public locations, from automatic teller machines to elevator directories and interactive restaurant menus.

There’s one downside to all this interactivity: Stain- and odor- causing bacteria can build up on our devices.

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